Nebula Academy: ‘Advanced Reviewer’ course launch

Friday, June 10, 2022 by Greg Schmitz

In our quest to educate users, build better solutions, and curate a more productive eDiscovery experience, we are still hard at work creating learning opportunities at Nebula Academy. Today we are happy to announce the release of the ‘Advanced Reviewer’ course to the general public!

Advanced Reviewer is a supplemental follow-up to the previously released Nebula Reviewer Fundamentals course. Advanced Reviewer, which takes about 75 minutes to complete, covers the following reviewer-centric topics at a high-level: search builder & saved searches, Nebula search syntax, facet explorer, sampling, doc list views, lists, bulk associations, and the NSR & Media (Nebula A/V) viewer modes. This course, when combined with Fundamentals, rounds-out the skills needed to be an outstanding review-focused end-user of the Nebula platform.

We are already making great progress on future courses at Nebula Academy!  For more information about Nebula Academy and to join the community, please visit

Happy learning!

Greg Schmitz

Greg is the Sr. Program Manager for the Nebula Ecosystem at KLDiscovery. He has been in the industry for 18 years and has a love of the technology needed to manage all sizes of litigation, finding efficiencies and consulting on better ways of handling data situations. Away from the office, Greg works on his golf game and fishing skills. He possesses a true Minnesotan accent and a zest for humor.